Recent Episodes

Episode 256: Three Tips to Pull Back the Layers of Emotion

When we go out to the cold, we layer.  I love layers.  I put on…

Episode 255: Managing Weakness with Jason Hunt

Jason Hunt is a human physiology professor at BYU Idaho, a husband, father, and lover…

Episode 254: Welcome to the Zoo! Observing Our Monkey Brain

The zoo is one of the funnest places to go as a kid. I remember…

Episode 253: Using Guardrails, Greens, and Grace to Manage Your Stress

When shopping for a used car we always look for one that has had regular…

Episode 252: Essential Tips for Sustainable Weight Management

Weight, weight loss, the scale, food—all of these can be very tricky and touchy topics…

Episode 251: Ready, Set, Go! 10 Travel Tips for Perfectly Planned Getaways

Traveling is one of our family’s favorite things to do. We love to get away,…

Episode 250: Supporting Your Family Through Nervous System Regulation with Leah Davidson

Family life is exhausting, tricky, and at times very hard, but it is also very…

Episode 249: We Don’t Fail, We Fall!

Failing. That’s a pretty big term that we use.  We avoid the F on report…

Episode 248: How to Build Successful Families

Success. This is something we all crave and are trying to attain. Success personally and…

Episode 247: One Word

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and just stopped with one word…

Episode 246: 2024: A Year of Gains!

Happy New Year!!! 2025 is under way! If you took a minute to reflect on…

Episode 245: Christ is In Your Story

As we have just celebrated Christmas, the decorations will come down, the carols change to…

Episode 244: NEW

New.  This is the word I’d use to sum up 2024.  We had a whole…

Episode 243: Ten Holiday Hacks to Decrease Your Stress!

This time of year can get a bit overwhelming and stressful with activities, social gatherings,…

Episode 242: HOME for the Holidays

Whenever we travel, we love to come HOME. After a long day of school, work,…

Episode 241: Holiday Gift Giving and Traditions Replay

Christmas is around the corner! This year Thanksgiving was a little late so Christmas will…

Episode 240: Four Easy Gratitude Practices to Incorporate in Your Day

Sometimes the days can go by at our house when it didn’t even feel like…

Episode 239: One of Life’s Lessons: Express Gratitude

What would you say if you could write a letter to your family, loved ones,…

Episode 238: Who’s Your Wingman?

In your lives who would you say is your wingman? A wingman can refer to…

Episode 237: Fear Not!

Fear is upon us this time of year with all of the scary things in…

Episode 236: Say YES to the Dress!

When you start planning for a wedding, a theme, style, and colors are at the…

Episode 235: Transparency

There’s a scene that I love in the movie Hook: Robin Williams, Peter Pan, returns…

Episode 234: Be Inspired!

Is there someone who inspires you? Who makes you want to do better, be better,…

Episode 233: How to Set Up A Good Morning Routine

Some of us have a morning routine that we stick close to.  For me, I…

Episode 232: Why We Need to be Awed!

When was the last time you said this is awesome!  Struck with pure amazement When…

Episode 231: What’s Your Legacy?

 What legacy are you leaving behind?  Every day we interact with others, we work, play,…

Episode 230: The Missing Ingredients

When we make something to eat, we follow a recipe with all the key ingredients…

Episode 229: The Family Ship

If you could design and build your very own cruise ship, The Jesser Ship” What…

Episode 228: Creating Reserviors

If you ask any of our kids where their happy place is, they’d say up…

Episode 227: Prepare for Battle

Every single day we wake up with an agenda and to-do list.  In a sense,…

Episode 226: The Magic Pill

What is the single best thing we can do for our health? What is it…

Episode 225: Who’s In Your Circle?

Who’s in your circle? Your circle of people you can count on in good times…

Episode 224 : Why We Need A Summer Routine

When we had babies, toddlers, and little kids, a routine saved my life.  It was…

Episode 223: Independence and Choice

With the celebration of our independence on July 4th, we talk a lot about freedom,…

Episode 222: Inside Out 2 Is A Must Do!

I always love a good recommendation and today I am giving one to you! Inside…

Episode 221: Lesson’s From Our Dad’s

We just had the opportunity to celebrate Father’s Day and the men in our lives!…

Episode 220: Healing Takes Time

When we catch a common cold or the flu, our bodies respond and usually within…

Episode 219: Remembering Those Who Have Passed

This weekend we’ve celebrated Memorial Day! Memorial Day for us means a 3 day weekend….

Episode 218: Self-Deception

Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician who discovered the cause of childbed fever and introduced…

Episode 217: Six Secrets for Graduating Seniors

The school year is quickly wrapping up! With field trips, field days, finals, crazy schedules,…

Episode 216: What I’ve Learned From My Mission with Cody Rydalch

It’s always a pleasure to interview one of my children for the podcast! This week…

Episode 215: Using The Five Pillars To Live A Spirit Lead Life

Our bodies go through a lot in a day. They are the vehicles we use…

Episode 214: Five Pillars to Living Well

Dying Well. What does that look like? When we think of dying well, it means…

Episode 213: Find Rest with Regulation

Everywhere we go we can find rules and regulations.  When we travel to a baseball…

Episode 212: Ask

Every single one of us has a problem or challenge that can feel like we…

Episode 211: When Things Don’t Go As Planned

There are many times when things go just as we thought they would. When we…

Episode 210: Replay! This Mother Knows

aster is coming! I love this holiday and the opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ….

Episode 209: Easter Traditions You’ll Love!

As promised, this week we are going to talk about Easter and some Traditions to…

Episode 207: Understanding the Stress Response

Every single one of us has stress. We have so much on our plates as…

Episode 206: Scanning for Safety

Whenever we travel, one of the biggest stressors is getting through the airport.  There are…

Episode 205: The Power of Relationships with Dylan Rydalch

This week on the podcast we get to hear from my oldest son Dylan on…

Episode 204: Hopes and Expectations

Rulon D. Pope said, “We live in an age and society where hope becomes expectation,…

Episode 203: What Does Love Look Like?

What does love look like? Have you ever asked this question? What does it look…

Episode 202: Shining Eyes

The winter months can be long and hard around here, especially for playing baseball.  Our…

Episode 201: Where Your Focus Goes

Every day our mind is consumed with thoughts and ideas.  If we were to look…

Episode 200: What Every Person Needs to Hear

When our kids were little we took them to Build a Bear Workshop to make…

Episode 199: Family is the Foundation

Why do we get up and grind every single day? Why do we continue to…

Episode 198: Looking Back to Move Forward

As the new year begins, we all seem to have great intentions and goals to…

Episode 197: A Year of Intention

At the beginning of this year, I introduced my word for the year: Intention. In…

Episode 196: The Truth About Changes

Change is happening right as we speak. It is just part of this life, part…

Episode 195: Shine Your Light

Christmas is the time of year when you can find lights everywhere.  On our homes,…

Episode 194: Celebrating The Holidays When You Are Missing A Loved One With Maria StrangeEpisode 194:

The holidays are a time of celebration, relationships, and gathering, but what about when you…

Episode 193: If It’s Easy to Do, It’s Easy to Not Do

Many things in our day-to-day lives are super easy to do, and therefore we put…

Episode 192: Strengthen Relationships with Gratitude

Relationships can be tricky. They can have highs and lows and ebb and flow.  Sometimes…

Episode 191: Gratitude: Take the Medicine!

We’ve all probably been to the doctor to get some help with a sickness, illness,…

Episode 190: Getting Over the Halloween Hangover

I’m a succor for all of the Halloween goodies and sweets! Actually, I’m a succor…

Episode 189: The Colors We See

Our vision, the way we perceive the world and how it operates, has been influenced…

Episode 188: Magic Wands

With Halloween coming up the big question is what are you going to be?! What…

Episode 187: You Are Chosen

We all want to be picked, to be chosen, and to be wanted.  You can…

Episode 186: When We Judge

All too often we think of judgment as a bad thing, but is it always? …

Episode 185: Other People’s Spending

There are two main things each and every one of us has to spend. Time…

Episode 184: Weaknesses and Strengths

I’m sure if we were asked where you feel like you have areas that you…

Episode 183: What Lasts?

In Rome and Florence, Jarred and I walked in and out of several different buildings…

Episode 182: NESTING

Nesting is a phenomenon that some women will experience before the arrival of a new…

Episode 181: Seeing Others

All too often when I am talking to someone or doing something, my mind is…

Episode 180: New School Year, New Beginnings, and Setting Yourself and Your Family up to Get What You Want

It’s that time of year! When the school bell rings, kids are back, and we…

Episode 179: Your Dots Will Connect

In this week’s podcast, we talk about 3 more “lessons” or “reminders” I had while…

Episode 178: Lessons While Roaming

My husband and I had the opportunity to travel to Rome and Florence and it…

Episode 177: Expand Your Circle

As an independent insurance agent, my husband Jarred and his business have the opportunity to…

Episode 176: Questions are the Answer

Many times we will find ourselves in an environment with new people or people we…

Episode 175: Dare of the Day to Increase Confidence

Do you remember as kids playing Truth or Dare?! Or daring each other to do…

Episode 174: Have Your Own Back

There are many people in our lives we will defend to the death. Family members,…

Episode 173: Humility and Confidence

Have you ever thought about confidence AND humility, together?  Do you think they can coexist?…

Episode 172: The Night the Sky Turned Orange

It was an early morning, or middle of the night at 1:00 a.m. and I…

Episode 171: Sometimes I Get Mad and Fight!

Most of the time we are told to not get angry and fight, but is…

Episode 170: 23 Years and Counting: Marriage Advice I’d Tell my Kids Part 2

Here it is! Part 2 of 23 Years and Counting! Marriage! It can be one…

Episode 169: 23 Years and Counting! Marriage Advice I’d Tell My Kids, Part 1

Twenty-Three years ago Jarred and I said “I Do” and were married! We have learned …

Episode 168: Summer Routines Made Simple!

Has summer started at your house?! My kids got out of school last week and…

Episode 167: It’s Growing Season!

It’s that time of year we plant gardens and fill our pots with flowers because…

Episode 166: Understanding a Woman’s Cycle with Brad Jensen

In honor of May, and celebrating womanhood and motherhood I wanted to talk a little…

Episode 165: PINK with Megan Rydalch

What’s it like being a 16 year old girl these days? And what’s it like…

Episode 164: How to Have More Joy!

Sometimes the day-to-day tasks we have can get boring and mundane.  Sometimes what used to…

Episode 163: What Identity Are You Wearing Today?

When our kids were little, they loved the superhero costumes! One of our kids in…

Episode 162: What Feels Like Home?

Whenever we go on vacation the best part is coming home! Sometimes we will have…

Episode 161: Self-Worth vs. Perceived Self-Worth

How many times can we be told we have worth, we are valued, loved, and…

Episode 160: Your Redemption Story

I don’t know many people that don’t love a redemption story.  One where there’s some…

Episode 159: Engage in the Wrestle

Sometimes words are communicated we don’t always agree with or understand.  Sometimes we misinterpret them. …

Episode 158: Handle Your Hard Better

In 2005 Staples created the “Easy” button as a way to relieve stress and remind…

Episode 157: Why We Overeat and How to Stop

Food is everywhere. We have it at our fingertips, we see it in emails, ads,…

Episode 156: Why Am I Hungry!? Understanding Hunger

For years I had this story that I told about myself “I was always hungry!”…

Episode 155: March into Meals, Movement, and More!

Rosalynn Carter, board president of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, once said, “There are…

Episode 154: The What, Why, and How of Self Love

Self Love is one of those concepts that can be a little tricky to understand….

Episode 153: The 3 Great Motivators with Jarred Rydalch

Why do we do what is right? Why do we serve others? Jarred and I…

Episode 152: Simple Ways to Love and Lift this Valentine’s Day

A few weeks ago I went snowboarding with my family and while sitting all skiwampus…

Episode 151: Love on Purpose

February is a month filled with hearts, balloons, chocolates and reminders of love!  With the…

Episode 150: Start and End the Day with Purpose with Marla Beech

Do you ever feel like your day gets away from you? Like you are a…

Episode 149: The Value of Margins

In a book or document, there is a little space around the outside of our…

Episode 148: Intention with Jarred Rydalch

My husband Jarred and I were having a discussion one morning in December and he…

Episode 147: Give Me 10 Minutes!

At the beginning of the new year, we can set goals and have aspirations, and…

Episode 146: Becoming the Mighty Oak

Every year I pick a word to focus on for the year and this year’s…

Episode 145: Choosing the Good Parts

Life is like a movie, full of suspense, thrills, and highs and lows.  As we…

Episode 144: Feeling Good: The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself and Others

Feeling Good! Do you know how powerful that is and what it does!? When we…

Episode 143: Keeping Christ in Christmas

Earlier this month I noticed someone wrote on our whiteboard 23 days until Xmas.  It…

Episode 142: 10 Tips to Enjoy the Holiday Foods Without the Weight Gain

The Holiday Season is here! That means there are lots of extra holiday parties, gatherings,…

Episode 141: Interview with Luke and Emily Grover

Luke Grover is my brother-in-law who was recently diagnosed with non-smokers lung cancer. He and…

Episode 140: Grateful for Waiting

Sometimes we get a little impatient while waiting for a change, a cure, a car,…

Episode 139: Simple Gratitude Practices You Can Do Now!

Margaret Cousins said: “Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to…

Episode 138: Three Truths About Anxiety

Anxiety is a word we throw around often that has almost become the norm for…

Episode 137: Bring the Fun!

Fun! When is the last time you had fun! Kids are very good at going…

Episode 136: Encouraging Openness with Austin Rydalch

Austin Rydalch is a 13-year-old Jr. High student who is full of wisdom! This week…

Episode 135: Being Our Best Selves

Many times when I send my kids out the door I say, “Do your best!”…

Episode 134: How to Get Out of Burnout

Burnout is something I think we all can say we have experienced at one time…

Episode 133: Miracles with Cody Rydalch

Miracles are divine acts, manifestations and expressions of God’s limitless power, and an affirmation that…

Episode 132: The Give and Take in Relationships

Relationships are like a dance.  Sometimes the dance is smooth like the waltz with fluid…

Episode 131: Clean and Dirty Pain

Clean and dirty pain.  What is that?! Clean and dirty pain comes from the emotional…

Episode 130: Crushing Cancer

Life is a juggling act. The balls we juggle are home, family, school, work, church,…

Episode 129: Is Food Your Frenemy? Understanding Emotional Eating

Food, Food, Food! We are surrounded by it! Many cultures use alcohol and tobacco for…

Episode 128: Feeling All the Feels

Many of us have heard the term “feeling all the feels,” but what does that…

Episode 127: Loving Both

We make many daily decisions that require an “either/or” type of answer.  Either get up…

Episode 126: The “Should” List

We create many lists in a day and a week to help us be productive…

Episode 125: Endings and Beginnings

Life is full of endings and beginnings.  We have the beginning of a new day…

Episode 124: Who is Your Advocate?

Having children has provided me as their mother many opportunities to learn and grow through…

Episode 123: Playing Catch

Ed Mylett said, “Most lessons in life are caught not taught.” This was one of…

Episode 122: The Little Things

Our lives are filled with big moments and events, but we often forget of all…

Episode 121: Miles for Milo

In this week’s podcast, we talk about our sweet neighbor Milo Baker and showing up!…

Episode 120: The Mission Call

Our second son Cody just received his mission call for the Church of Jesus Christ…

Episode 119: Moving Forward Despite Feeling Terrible

We all have situations going on in our lives that are humming in the background. …

Episode 118: Emotional Empowerment: Recognizing and Responding

In last week’s episode, we discussed Empowering Ourselves and Others by CHOOSING rather than believing…

Episode 117: Empowering Ourselves and Others

In this episode, we discuss what it means to empower ourselves and how to do…

Episode 116: Work, Play, Teach, Connect

This weekend we went as a family to see the new Top Gun movie! In…

Episode 115: That’s How It’s Going to Be!

Join with me this week as we wrap up the end of May! I tell…

Episode 114: The Experience of Others

Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings in any given circumstance, thus creating their experience. …

Episode 113: Interview with Dean and Kristin Coleman

Dean and Kristin Coleman are two genuinely good people whom I had the opportunity to…

Episode 112: Happy Mother’s Day

This week’s episode goes out to all of the women out there! As we celebrate…

Episode 111: A Happy Life AND Happy Relationships

In a recent podcast I listened to there was one line that really hit me,…

Episode 110: Being the Boss of Our Brain

In this week’s episode, we talk about the familiar patterns we have in our lives….

Episode 109: This Mother Knows

Easter is coming! I love this holiday and the opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ….

Episode 108: The Cautions of Complaining

We all complain sometimes.  Complaining is merely a way of expressing our dissatisfaction or annoyance…

Episode 107: Contribute Where You Can

What do we do when we are in sticky situations that we have no control…

Episode 106: How to Deal With the Wicked Step-Sisters Shame and Blame

In the movie Cinderella, there were two step-sisters, Anastasia and Drisella. These two sisters were…

Episode 105: The Shame Shower

We all experience it.  The Shame Shower. This is the hot, heavy, beating down we…

Episode 104: My Story of Family, Faith, and Everything Else

In today’s podcast, we discuss the patterns that are woven throughout our stories. My story…

Episode 103: Planning and Preparing

Planning and preparing are two words that sometimes get a bad rap! However, all it…

Episode 102: Words Are Powerful

In this week’s podcast, we talk about the works we speak. The words we say…

Episode 101: How to Deal With Bullying

Bullying is everywhere. It goes on with our kids, with adults, on the news, and…

Episode 100: Interview with Jarred Rydalch

After 100 episodes I finally got my favorite human on the podcast! Jarred is FULL…

Episode 99: Act Instead of React

Have you ever stepped back after a situation and wished you’d have responded differently? In…

Episode 98: What Can I Learn From This?

Many experiences in our lives are rich with opportunities for learning and growth if we…

Episode 97: Becoming

When we were kids, we were always asked what we want to BE when we…

Episode 96: Creating and Mirroring

One of the practices I like to do every year is pick a word for…

Episode 95: New Beginnings

January is typically a time we all start thinking about our new beginnings for the…

Episode 94: When Your Contributions Are Rejected

We all have many gifts and talents to offer to this world. Sometimes we do…

Episode 93: Are You Ready?

Merry Christmas! As Christmas Day gets closer, everyone seems to be asking the same question…”Are…

Episode 92: Forgiveness and Freedom

We live in a world full of evil and sin and imperfect humans who sometimes…

Episode 91: Interview with Mindi Thiebaud on Identity and Becoming

This week on the podcast we have the chance to hear from my good friend…

Episode 90: The Gifts That Come From Giving

This week we dig into the 12 Days of Christmas Tradition that our family loves!…

Episode 89: Holiday Gift Giving and Traditions

Christmas is around the corner! As we set into motion our plans for holiday shopping…

Episode 88: Your Happiness Set Point and Gratitude

Did you know we have a happiness set point? Just like our bodies have a…

Episode 87: Gratitude Changes Us

Gratitude has the ability to create a change in us! It is often one of…

Episode 86: Boundaries

“To Thine Own Self Be True” is a line in Shakespeare’s Hamlett.  It is what…

Episode 85: A Halloween Treat

Being as it is just a few days before Halloween all of the spooky festivities…

Episode 84: Five Steps to Help You Manage Your Expectations

In this episode we discuss expectations! All of us have them whether we know it…

Episode 83: Interview with Jeff Brabant on “Our Second Hands”

Lifter Jeff Brabant has been a guest on the podcast before, and I am thrilled…

Episode 82: Get Centered to Find Balance

Do you ever feel off-balance? We all seem to strive for balance, but what if…

Episode 81: The Forty Day Focus

In this episode, we talk about giving ourselves something to focus on for 40 days….

Episode 80: What’s Next?

Sometimes we can have questions that are hard to find the answers to, but questions…

Episode 79: Embrace the Suck

A few years ago I had a friend tell me how her family member, who…

Episode 78: The Problem Is Not the Problem

What we see on the outside of others is a reaction or action to what…

Episode 77: Showing Up

In this episode, we talk about how we show up. This is the way we…

Episode 76: Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

In this podcast episode, we talk about this famous quote by Abraham Lincoln and we…

Episode 75: One Step Ahead

n this podcast episode we talk about the term “If you give an inch, they’ll…

Episode 74: The Gift of Barriers

Many times we will see rules or guidelines as restrictions and barriers.  Things that will…

Episode 73: The Recipe of Our Lives

What if our lives are like a recipe full of ingredients and tools we can…

Episode 72: Three Tips to Finish Those Tasks

Have you got many unfinished tasks that you just can’t seem to get completed? I…

Episode 71: Our Primitive Brain

Our brain is a complex organ that performs many functions. There are two main parts…

Episode 70: What We Tolerate

A few weeks ago we took a trip to Arizona and it was HOT! We…

Episode 69: Family Unity

As we come upon the celebration of Independence Day, our topic for this week is…

Episode 68: Resistance

You hear a lot about resistance in exercise. We want to have resistance to help…

Episode 67: The Morning Report

When a nurse goes in for a new shift, she will get a report from…

Episode 66: Controlling the Controllables

Many things are outside of our control. The weather, the economy, and the biggest: other…

Episode 65: Identifying Your Purpose with Maria Strange

What is our purpose? I feel like we all have a purpose, and we are…

Episode 64: This One’s For the Girls: Secret Sisters

This is it! The last episode in May as we finish up our celebration of…

Episode 63: This One’s For the Girls: The Lines On Our Face

The lines on our faces. They come from the emotions that we experience.  The joys,…

Episode 62: This One’s For the Girls: Life Begins When…

This one is for all of us who believe life will begin WHEN?! When what?…

Episode 61: This One’s For the Girls: Sleepers

This one is for all of the teenage girls! So listen up girls! This is…

Episode 60: What Other People Think

In this podcast we learn all about what other people think. Many of us spend…

Episode 59: Interview With a Client: Jamie Lamm

This episode is a fun one! A client’s perspective. Jamie Lamm came to me to…

Episode 58: Your Body is Your Home

Our bodies.  Many of us have a tricky relationship with our bodies. It is almost…

Episode 57: Perfectly Imperfect

Perfect. This is a term that comes up often; however, when it comes to humans,…

Episode 56: How to Find Answers to Questions That Seem to Have No Answer

Is there a question in your mind that’s been brewing for a while that you…

Episode 55: Becoming Your Future Self

Do you ever think about what you’ll be in 5 years? Where you will be?…

Episode 54: Be the Hero of Your Story

Every story has characters that are either the victim, the villain, or the hero.  Which…

Episode 53: Do You Actually Think You Are Doing a Good Job at Parenting?

This question came up for us one morning from one of our kids and to…

Episode 52: Lessons After a Year of Lifting the Lifters

One year later! It has been a ride this year! As we celebrate a year…

Episode 51: Interview With a Lifter: Shellie Thornley

Shellie Thornley is the creator of the guided workbook Distinct and Different, she runs the…

Episode 50: Loving Thyself Mentally and Physically

Overall health and wellness plays a big factor in living our best life. We get…

Episode 49: Loving Thyself

The two great commandments are love God and love thy neighbor, but many of us…

Episode 48: Loving Feelings

Love is an emotion that we can experience any time.  It is a gift that…

Episode 47: Math vs. Drama

In every good book or movie there is a good story with lots of drama….

Episode 46: My Word for 2021: CREATOR

This year is shaping up to be a great one with my word for 2021:…

Episode 45: A Year of ENOUGH

Do you pick a word for the year? This is a practice I have done…

Episode 44: HOW to Set Your Goal

Many times we have the desire to set a goal then want to move straight…

Episode 43: WHY Set a Goal?

Happy New Year! With the beginning of the new year comes all of the desires…

Episode 42: Merry Christmas! Saving and Loving

Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! In this episode I share…

Episode 41: Giving

Giving to others is part of the Christmas season and traditions.  It is a way…

Episode 40: Secret Santa

It’s Christmas Time! With that comes the season of gift giving.  In this episode we…

Episode 39: Interview with a Lifter: Jeff Brabant Part 2

In this episode of our Interview with a Lifter: Jeff Brabant, we conclude our interview. …

Episode 38: Interview with a Lifter: Jeff Brabant Part 1

Jeff Brabant is a professor and the head coach of the Miles City Pioneer Baseball…

Episode 37: Reset, Regroup, and Reroute

We have to do a reset on many of the devices that we own. TV’s,…

Episode 36: Here Come the Holidays! Preparing For the Parties

Can you feel it!? The holidays are coming! I LOVE this time of year! The…

Episode 35: Contentment

Contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction. Contentment is an emotion. It is a choice! We can choose…

Episode 34: What To Do With Fear and What Is on the Other Side?

Fear has been a big topic this month. There is so much to learn about…

Episode 33: FEAR Part 2

Today’s episode on Fear: the nuts and bolts. I discuss 5 facets of fear and…

Episode 32: Fear

October and Halloween brings about all things scary! Witches, ghosts, goblins, haunted houses, straw mazes,…

Episode 31: Celebrate You!

Celebrate you? Seems like kind of a silly thing, doesn’t it? But it is key…

Episode 30: The Magic Is in the Middle

Oreos, jelly filled donuts, stuffed crust pizza, these all have one thing in common: the…

Episode 29: How to Slow Down; Stop, Look In, Breathe, and Look Up!

Last Episode we discussed our reason for feeling rushed and in a hurry. Our thinking…

Episode 28: Slow Down!

Do you ever find yourself in a hurry or a rush and wonder why? What…

Episode 27: Your Age: What Does It Mean?

How old are you, and what does that number mean to you? Is it really…

Episode 26: Connecting With Teenagers

This month we’ve discussed the different stages of parenting and some of the tools I’ve…

Episode 25: Being Capable, Competent, and Confident

Listen in to this episode as I discuss how to teach our grade school kids…

Episode 24: Why Routines, Sleep, and Nutrition Matter?

Routines, sleep, and nutrition are key factors in raising babies and toddlers, and any age…

Episode 23: You Do What Works For You

We have so many decisions to make during a day, with so many messages saying…

Episode 22: Sex and Intimacy in Marriage: Take 2

Last week I posted the episode on Sex and Intimacy in Marriage. Saturday, I took…

Episode 21: Fun Together!

Today’s episode is all about FUN!  Also following the theme for Keeping the Spark Alive…

Episode 20: Unity

Abraham Lincoln said “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” While he was speaking about…

Episode 19: The Fundamental Piece of All Relationships

We are created and wired for connection.  It is a basic human need for us…

Episode 18: Keeping the Spark Alive in Marriage

There will be many times in our marriages where it is full of joy, and…

Episode 17: Agency

With the month of June coming to an end, how in the world does Agency…

Episode 16: Lessons from our Dads

Father’s Day is this Sunday! As I thought about my dad and Jarred’s dads and…

Episode 15: Seeing People Not Problems

At this time our country is trying to make sense of what happened to George…

Episode 14: Hindsight is 20/20

We’ve all heard the term “Hindsight is 20/20.” What does this mean? It means when…

Episode 13: Becoming a Lifelong Learner

May is coming to an end, and many High School Seniors are completing their formal…

Episode 12: Sisterhood

Sisterhood. What does that mean? Biological sisters? Sisters by marriage? In today’s episode we conclude…

Lessons from a Lifter: Brinda Howard ~ Just Say It and Do It!

As we celebrate Womanhood and Motherhood this week I have thought, about all of the…

Interview with a Lifter: Paulette Kirkham

Paulette Kirkham is a dear friend of mine who is a lifter in all aspects. …

Celebrating Womanhood and Motherhood

Mother’s Day is just around the corner! This is a day that can stir up…

You Know Enough

Having a baby, changing jobs, pursuing a project, big life changes, all these circumstances create…

You Are Enough

Enough. I’m not enough. I didn’t do enough. I’m not BLANK (fill in the word)…

Who Cares? I Care!

I get a lot of questions about podcasting since starting up.  The biggest one: WHY?…

Interview With a Lifter: My Mom, Kathy Nielson

Meet my mom, Kathy Nielson. She is a Lifter in so many ways to me,…

Turn the Music Up!

Five Reasons to Use Music in Your Day. “Music is the medicine of the mind.”…

How to Set Yourself Up for Good Weather

After listening to episode two about the “Weather Maker,” we will discuss ways to set…

The Weather Maker

“If mom ain’t happy, nobody is happy!”  is a phrase used often! In this episode…

Meet Jessica Rydalch AKA Jesser

Welcome to Lifting the Lifters! In this episode we will get to know our host,...