Episode 250: Supporting Your Family Through Nervous System Regulation with Leah Davidson

Family life is exhausting, tricky, and at times very hard, but it is also very rewarding and full of joy. It has ups and downs all along the way—I feel like we’re on a roller coaster ride many days! Some days we feel like we are successful and some days, we don’t.  

In today’s podcast, I interview guest Leah Davidson.  She is a Nervous System Resilience Coach, a Speech and Language Pathologist, a wife, a mom, and more! She teaches about the Nervous System, regulation, what that means, how to do it, and how we can support our families with regulation. 

We talk about life’s challenges and disruptions, how those can turn into opportunities for growth, letting our children have their growth journeys, having faith in Heavenly Father’s plan and process, and supporting ourselves through that process.

Listen in for so many nuggets, strategies, and more!

You can find Leah on Instagram:


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And her Mental Health Journal for Anxiety Relief, Stress Management & Self-Care: Guided Prompts for Nervous System Regulation, Mindfulness & Personal Growth