Episode 254: Welcome to the Zoo! Observing Our Monkey Brain

The zoo is one of the funnest places to go as a kid. I remember taking a trip to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City one summer as a kid and observing the monkeys! It’s crazy how much they resemble humans sometimes!

We all have a part of our brains that are monkey like.  This is the part of our brain that wants to keep us safe, have fun, and conserve energy.  This monkey part, although it is very helpful when in actual danger, sometimes isn’t very helpful and can create problems. 

In this podcast we talk about watching this part of our brain when it becomes dominant.  Watching our own behaviors and patterns and what tendencies we have when activated.  

We talk about our 3 teams. 

Team Hyper

Home Team and 

Team Hypo

All day long we hope to be flexible and go back and forth between these assigned states, and one of the best ways to practice being flexcible and moving back and forth is to observe the monkey! Then, reassure that monke everything is fine.

We all are just big, scared kids inside looking for safety and validation it’s all ok.

We all do our best to cope with stress and manage our monkeys every day, but maybe taking a step back to be an observer and then reassuring ourselves are just the steps we need to be flexible and aware.

Listen in for more!

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