Episode 247: One Word

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and just stopped with one word they said?  It either stopped you in your tracks, caused you to pause or think a little, gave you a reason to ask more questions, or taught you something.

One word can make all the difference in the trajectory of a conversation, decisions, and day.

When one of our kids went running into the parking lot at the grocery store with incoming cars…One word….Stop

When we went to Olive Garden this weekend the waitress asked for soup or salad?


Again, one word.  

As parents, the one word we use often, No.

No your not staying out past curfew

No, we don’t need that extra item at Walmart

No, we don’t need drinks with our meals, just water will do.

I’m sure you could think of a list of No’s!

When Jarred asked me to marry him, I said, one word…..Yes

On the day we were married, again, that same word….Yes

Words are powerful, and just one word can sometimes be more powerful than a phrase.

Every year, I pick a word for the year, and this year, my word is “Heart.”

Why pick a word? Because it gives you focus for the year. It takes out the overwhelm of goals and lists, and gives you just one simple focus, a word, to learn about. You can take this word and grow, learn, create, study, and become.

Listen in to this podcast as we talk about a word for the year and I tell you about my word! 


At One Ment by Thomas McConkie