Episode 239: One of Life’s Lessons: Express Gratitude

What would you say if you could write a letter to your family, loved ones, and friends right now, in whatever phase you are in? What advice would you give? 

On three different occasions this week, as I have been running around, listening, and studying, I have run into just that.  

One was titled “Insights from my Life” by Neal A Maxwell.

One was in the Book of Mormon, chapter 7, Mormon is at the end of his life and makes a list.

Another was in the Don’t Miss This Scripture Study book 

On each occasion, three seasoned people offered insights and various life lessons.

I have thought about what I’d say, and this podcast would probably be way too long if I tried to fit them all in!

But for today I just want to highlight ONE.

Be Grateful.

In today’s podcast, we will talk about a little mishap I had this week.  I fell off my bathroom counter and boy has it wreaked havoc on my back, routine, and schedule! Today I share some thoughts that have been helpful for me to practice gratitude. They are:

“It could have been so much worse.”

“Thank goodness for help.”

“I can still walk.”

“This might be a good thing.”

Listen in today as we discuss these and how we can all apply them in any situation or circumstance. 

Insights From my Life a BYU Speech by Neal A. Maxwell

Insights From My Life from the Ensign Neal A. Maxwell