Episode 234: Transparency

There’s a scene that I love in the movie Hook: Robin Williams, Peter Pan, returns to Neverland, and the Lost Boys and Peter himself don’t believe he is Peter Pan! Peter has been gone from Neverland for years! He has taken on the traditions of work, family life, stress, climbing the corporate ladder, and more. Tinkerbell drug him back to Neverland to save his kidnapped children and enlist the help of the Lost Boys! 

In one scene, Rufio, the new leader of the Lost Boys, draws a line in the sand and says, “Anyone who doesn’t believe this is Peter Pan crosses this line.  ” Peter himself crosses that line!

Tinkerbell drags him back over and the rest of the boys gather on the other side by Rufio. Except for one.  He takes Peters’ glasses off, pulls his hair back, tugs, pulls, and straightens out the lines in his face, and after much studying says, “Oh There You are Peter!”

He was in there. The whole time.  The Peter they knew, the Peter that hadn’t taken on the traditions of culture and norms, was there.  They just couldn’t see it.  He was no longer transparent.

What does it mean to be “Transparent?”

See-through, clear, unclouded, open and honest, sincere, vulnerable, humble. Honest with who we are, and who’s we are! Divine Beings full of light!

In this podcast we talk about transparency, the ability we have to radiate the light we all carry, why sometimes we lose that transparency, and how to get it back!

God’s Favourite by Karl Hirst

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