Every single day we wake up with an agenda and to-do list. In a sense, we go to war or to battle to conquer the day. Are we prepared? What are we doing to prepare?
In this week’s podcast we talk about preparing for our battles and talk about the armor we put on to do this. I liken our armor to football gear that my little grid kid player has.
They are:
Helmets: Fill our minds with goodness. Keep the garbage out and “Don’t give the enemy a seat at our tables.”
Mouthguards: Talk less and listen more to gain awareness, perspective, and understanding.
Padding: Gird up our loins with the 5 pillars of emotional wellness. Sleep, nutrition/hydration, movement, sunlight, and connection. These alone can make a BIG difference!
Cleats: Keep Moving! Don’t give up! Everything we want is on the other side of hard!
The wars and battles will rage all around us, but “If we are prepared we shall not fear!”