Episode 219: Remembering Those Who Have Passed

This weekend we’ve celebrated Memorial Day!

Memorial Day for us means a 3 day weekend. Sometimes we have baseball games, that we get rained out of, and sometimes we can sneak in a little camping, a little barbeque in the backyard, some yardwork, and some fun, and it means the end of school and the start of summer!!!

Memorial Day was a day that started way back in the 1860s as a day to remember those who passed in the Civil War. It was orinally known as Decoration Day, but has since evolved to Memorial Day and a day we celebrate all Veterans and other family members and friends.

How do you remember?

Do you go to the graves and headstones and decorate them?

Do you have a special tradition, a family food, a treat, or an experience you do to remember?

Remember is one of the most important words in our vocabulary.

Jeffrey R. Holland said, “The earliest meaning of “to remember” was “to remind.” That is, when you remembered something it was to remind you—to prompt you—to action.”

In this podcast, we talk about remembering and actions we can take to remember and remind us of the ones who have gone before us. We discuss experiences, the use of stories, and many more!

Take the time today to “remember” by listening to this podcast and then TAKE ACTION!

Jeffrey R. Holland quote on Remember 

History of Memorial Day