There are many times when things go just as we thought they would. When we have planned and prepared and everything goes perfectly, and then there are times when they don’t. In fact. As I think about most things, they often look different than I thought they would have in my mind, but it’s OK.
This week we had a surprise text that followed with having our son Cody coming home from his mission from Costa Rica! He has been having several health challenges for months and we’ve done all we can to support him out there, but after months of “gutting it out” he decided it was time to come home to get some tests and care here.
In this podcast I talk about that and what it felt like on this journey. There was sadness, fear, frustration, anger, happiness, joy, and many other emotions. It’s been a roller coaster for sure! And there are many things we have learned and are learning.
First: It’s OK to be sad that things are different than you thought. It’s OK to mourn that ideal expectation or scenario. However, sometimes our sadness gets layered on with many other emotions like anger and then we do things that aren’t who we are. We can pull away, disconnect, and abandon our true selves.
After giving yourselves a minute to be sad, choose to see opportunity. Choose joy. Choose happiness. There will be blessings and more joy, there will be growth and learning, and there will be peace.
Listen in for more!