The winter months can be long and hard around here, especially for playing baseball. Our family does a lot of that and practicing baseball can be tricky. A few facilities are available, and I have found it helpful to hire coaches to do some hitting and fielding sessions with the kids during these months.
I hired a coach to keep my 14-year-old Austin in shape and work with him on his hitting for the next few months. One night after Austin’s hitting session he and I were chatting about the session and he asked me if I knew what the fastest muscle in the body is.
Our eyes!
Our eyes are amazing! They move so quickly scanning for information and sending it to our brains! They also communicate to others so much! We see them, we are listening, we hear them.
What do your eyes communicate? Do they shine and do you help other’s eyes shine?
In this week’s podcast, we talk about a TED talk given by Benjamin Zander and shining eyes!
Zander’s focus is to awaken the possibilities in others and he knows he’s doing that when he sees shining eyes.
Join in this week’s podcast as we discuss this topic and some ideas on how we can be the person who helps others shine!
Beautiful Leadership: Shining Eyes
Benjamin Zander TED Talk: The Transformative Power of Classical Music
The Power of the Muscles in Your Eyes