At the beginning of the new year, we can set goals and have aspirations, and heck, even just want to finish a project! But sometimes they just seem too big. We can find ourselves not moving forward because it will take too much time, we don’t have enough time, and frankly, we just don’t want to! We had this problem with Stockton when it came down to reading his 20 minutes per day. It just was too much at once, so we compromised, 10 minutes now, 10 minutes later. By breaking up these 20 minutes into two 10-minute chunks Stockton’s reading has skyrocketed and we’ve had so many fewer meltdowns and power struggles! This 10-minute rule can be applied to anything! A room that needs to be cleaned, a chore that needs to be done, a goal that you want to work on, just give it 10 short minutes! Once we get some momentum, we may end up even going past that initial 10 minutes! Listen in to hear more about my 10-minute rule and how you can apply it to your lives! Because “by small and simple means are great things brought to pass!”