Life is like a movie, full of suspense, thrills, and highs and lows. As we near the close of 2022, have we taken the time to reflect on the year? If so, what parts do you see? Do we see good parts or bad parts? Our brains are naturally wired to look for problems and challenges to keep us safe and alive, but we can CHOOSE to see the good parts. In the Book of Mormon, the family of Lehi went traveling in the wilderness and the sons each had a different version of the story. Nephi’s was full of abundance amidst the challenges, and Laman and Lemuel’s was full of hardship and complaints. Lehi said, “I choose the good part.” We too can choose the good part. We can see the good in our circumstances and learn from the challenging times rather than close in and focus on them. At this Christmas Season, let us reflect on the year and choose the good parts!