Feeling Good! Do you know how powerful that is and what it does!? When we feel good we show up as our best selves. We have energy, we are open, and we take action. In this episode, we discuss three things that we can do to keep our heads in a good place! First, filter your inputs. There is so much coming at us, some we can control and some we cannot. So let’s control what we can! Watch what comes in and keep the filth and negativity out! Second, pay attention to that inner critic. That inner critic is not nice, is judgemental, always finds fault with you, and is looking for danger. Far too often we listen to that voice! Don’t believe it! You are human, doing your best! And third, help people! Just go out there and help people! By serving, loving, and giving small acts of kindness! A smile and a listening ear can go a long way. It changes how you feel, helps the other, and has a trickle effect! Feeling Good is not just physical, it has more to do with our mental health as well! Try these 3 tips to feel good today!