Episode 226: The Magic Pill
What is the single best thing we can do for our health? What is it...
What is the single best thing we can do for our health? What is it...
Who’s in your circle? Your circle of people you can count on in good times...
When we had babies, toddlers, and little kids, a routine saved my life. It was...
With the celebration of our independence on July 4th, we talk a lot about freedom,...
I always love a good recommendation and today I am giving one to you! Inside...
We just had the opportunity to celebrate Father’s Day and the men in our lives!...
When we catch a common cold or the flu, our bodies respond and usually within...
This weekend we’ve celebrated Memorial Day! Memorial Day for us means a 3 day weekend....
Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician who discovered the cause of childbed fever and introduced...
The school year is quickly wrapping up! With field trips, field days, finals, crazy schedules,...