
Hi, I'm Jessica
My name is Jessica Rydalch. But most people know me as Jesser.
Ha!! I get asked all the time if that is really my name!?
Ever since I can remember, I have been called Jesser. My mom started calling me Jesser, and it stuck! I refer to myself as Jesser, and so do my friends, family, and anyone who knows me really! I prefer it! Recently I had a friend ask where that name came from? I had no idea!? Ha Ha! I called my mom and asked “I know I am 39 years old, but where did you come up with the name Jesser?” She said when my sister and I were little, and we lived in the dark ages of not having a dishwasher, we were given the task of doing the dishes. I was the “washer” and my sister Emily was the “rinser”. My mom was always so great about coming up with rhymes and jingles to make work fun. She started chanting “Josser the Washer and Weezy the Rinsee!” Josser turned into Jesser, and it stuck! Weezy for Emily is another story in itself! Our family is notorious for silly nicknames! My youngest child, Stockton is called Dingus thanks to my dad and an old Western movie called Dirty Dingus McGee.
My husband Jarred and I have 5 kids ranging from 17-6 years old: Dylan, Cody, Megan, Austin, and Stockton.
We live in Rexburg, Idaho and are Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Jarred and I have owned a Landscape Maintenance business for the last 18 years and just this year sold that to pursue other business ventures.
Which includes this adventure of podcasting and Life Coaching.
All of my life I have been an on again off again journaler. When I was a young girl it started with a tablet, a pen, and the day to day happenings of school, friends, family, and life. As the years progressed and I went from being a teenager to a wife and then a mom, and I was in the thick of having five little ones I would think, “How can I ever keep up on this!?” I would get overwhelmed and try to play catch up, leading to more overwhelm! At times my journaling would just stop all together. My sister-in-law and I have had many conversations about this very topic and one day she handed me a book. “Mom’s One Line A Day.” Just a line a day. I thought, “OK, I can do one line.” So I started there. Writing one funny line from the kids or one memorable event. I will link this handy little journal in the show notes!
If there is one word that I would use to describe myself it would be a “seeker.” I love learning. I love reading, studying, and listening to podcasts.
As the years have gone by my “One Liner’s” became more journaling and documenting of what I have learned through my seeking. For years I have joked with my husband that I am going to write a book about the things I have learned as a woman, wife, mother, and business owner. When I finally feel like I have the guts to start, I have one of those days that forces me to question that I would have anything to offer! As time has gone on, I have written with the intent to publish a book someday. I do not have a degree in english, journalism, or any of the sorts! In fact, I have a nursing degree! I feel like I am not eloquent with my words and constantly stumble on them, but have continued.
I have had a hard time wrapping my head around it writing a book! I know how busy I am and how much time I have to read! It’s Not Much!! I began to question how I feed my desire for learning. It is mostly through listening! One day I had the feeling I should start a Podcast and here we are!
A book still is in my goal for the future, but I’m willing to give this a shot because it may be just what another woman needs to hear. I have been so richly blessed by other women who were willing to share their experiences. A few years ago I had an experience that caused me to think about my life as a mom. This comes from a page in my Journal:
January 17, 2017
Yesterday was a busy day! We had to go shovel the Family History Center after a pretty good snow storm, take the kids to school, and then Stockton had an appointment for shots so he could go to preschool! After getting everyone to school we went to the Dr.’s office and I sat him on my lap and told him there would be a little poke! I felt him tighten up, then he said, “Ouch! That hurt!!” As soon as the nurses whipped out 3 suckers, he had forgotten the “Ouch”! And the monster truck bandages were a hit! We gathered our stuff and left the Dr’s office to go to Stockton’s Preschool Open House. He told me he wanted to show Gunner (his cousin) his bandages several times as we were driving. We had barely gotten out of the car when Stockton saw Gunner and immediately dropped his pants AND his unders to show off those bandages! Gunner said, “Ouch!” Those 2 will be hilarious together in preschool!
When we got inside, Stockton moved from table to table exploring all the things they had to offer. He is such a busy body and will LOVE all they have to do there! As I stood there just watching all the kids and their mom’s I took it all in for a minute. There were moms with babies in carriers, pregnant moms, moms with toddlers. I was surprised to see that I was the “seasoned” mom! I was the one bringing my baby to preschool! I was there in all those phases not so long ago, and now I’m in an entirely new phase! I was homesick for a moment thinking about those days. Then overwhelmed with the amount of work it is, and how exhausting it is! Remembering having several little kids surrounding me at all times during the day. I saw tired moms, moms who were struggling with something; insecurity, doubt, frustrations, exhaustion, all of which I had felt too. Although I am sad that time has gone so fast, and I’m beginning the phase of “lasts” with Stockton….last bottle, last potty training, last preschool…. I’m grateful! Grateful to have been on this beautiful ride of motherhood. Grateful the journey doesn’t ever end! There are many “firsts” we will experience with all 5 of our children. We are just entering the “first” driver, and it is exciting! I am grateful for all that I have learned on my road to becoming a “seasoned” mom, but recognize I still have A LOT to learn. Grateful for all the “seasoned” women who have guided and given me help, courage, and support along the way.
So, now here we are 3 years later!
Lifting the Lifters is a place to do just that. Lift, inspire, encourage, and support the the Lifters. We are all in this “Family Business” no matter what phase of life we are in and in the words of a dear friend “we want to love and serve God, to love our men, and to raise young warriors up strong and sound.”
I am excited share all that I have learned and am learning! These lessons I have learned have come through blood, sweat, and tears, but they are truths taught to me time and time again. To those of you looking for help, advice, and support, those who don’t know what they are looking for, but know they need “something,”
WELCOME to Lifting the Lifters!
Six Points of Focus
Your Body is the Vehicle.
The importance of education and the power of your brain.
Your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Your relationship with your family members.
Strengthen your home.
Your influence in the community.
The Podcast
Ever Wonder Who lifts the lifters?
This podcast dedicated to doing just that:
“Lifting the Lifters” in the day-to-day business of raising families.
As a woman, wife and mother, I know the work of family life can be demanding and taxing!
In each episode of Lifting the Lifters we’re going to get real! We will discuss real-life experiences and apply topics, ideas, resources, and tools to help lift and fortify the mind, body, and spirit of women and moms so they can nurture with confidence and love!
Because when WE are fortified, the entire family can thrive!