Episode 253: Using Guardrails, Greens, and Grace to Manage Your Stress

When shopping for a used car we always look for one that has had regular oil changes, good tires, good breaks, the interior is clean, and it’s been maintained.  

When you think about all the places our cars take us, you need them to work!  We drive them to school, to work, to activities. Our baseball games are just about to get started and we’ll be on the road many of the weekends from March until July and we need to be confident our vehicles will get us there.  

Our cars drive through many different conditions! Today, snow and slick roads. Tomorrow, who knows here in Idaho!

Sometimes we go off-roading, sometimes for a nice drive in the hills, sometimes down gravel roads. We accelerate and hit the brakes all day long, sometimes easing into it, sometimes hard braking and quick acceleration!

We put our vehicles through a lot of stressful situations!

Our cars are like our bodies! They are put through many stressful situations.

We run at a faster pace than we should a lot of the times, we slam on the brakes here and there. We go on long rides, short rides, gravel, and bumpy roads, and sometimes we offroad with our bodies. And, We need to do some maintenance on these bodies of ours, or like our cars, we go nowhere.

Today I want to talk about 3 things we can do to manage the stress we put our bodies under.

And they have to do with our diets. We are going to use guardrails, greens, and grace to manage our stress!

Listen In!

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