Episode 243: Ten Holiday Hacks to Decrease Your Stress!

This time of year can get a bit overwhelming and stressful with activities, social gatherings, gifts, and parties.  I have the best of intentions to enjoy the holidays, but sometimes it is difficult to manage it all! So in today’s podcast, we are going to talk about 10 Holiday Hacks to help with the stress!

  1. Make meal times easy!
  2. Make a list of what’s on your mind.
  3. De-clutter a space or a room for projects or planning.
  4. Make time for you to “rest” and that doesn’t necessarily mean sleep!
  5. Prioritize protein and eat less sugar.
  6. Drink WATER
  7. Don’t eat late.
  8. PLAY!
  9. Communicate, and ask questions!
  10. PRAY!

In this podcast, we will dive into each one of these in detail, but as you implement even one or two, yo will notice a decrease in the stress and an increase in your enjoyment this holiday season!