Episode 212: Ask

Every single one of us has a problem or challenge that can feel like we are walking around with a 50 pound weight on our shoulders. They can be heavy, burdensom, and tiring.  And sometimes it feels like we are completely alone when packing that challenge.  

I know that I have a tendency to keep my worries and burdens to myself, to not ask for help from God or from anyone else.  Probably due to some pride and also some fear. Fear of being vulnerable and letting my gaurd down.  Fear of admitting that I don’t have it all figured out and can’t do it all alone.

In this podcast we talk about asking for help.  Who do we ask?

First, Heavenly Father. The one who knows all and is always working in our favor. Ask Him.  He will help us get the answers and solutions we will need to move forward, problem solve, and he will give us the strength to endure.

Second, ask others.  There is a statistic that says that if we have a challenge and explain our situation to three trusted individuals, those 3 people will be able to help you get the answers and solutions you will need by either having the answer or helping you find the answer.

We are not alone in this life or in our challenges.  We have many who care and love us and who want to help. All we have to do is ASK!

Listen in to hear more and ways to implement this!