Our vision, the way we perceive the world and how it operates, has been influenced by everything! It is influenced by our genetics, our upbringing and childhood experiences, our day-to-day experiences, all of it. Our brains and bodies are always scanning and taking in everything! I think of it like Superman with his x-ray vision. We are always scanning, learning, interpreting, and taking in information.
When we are young, our brains are very moldable, or neuroplastic, As we age, our brains are less moldable, however, they are still able to be, it just takes a little more work and effort. When we are young and our brains are more moldable, we develop many beliefs and perceptions.
As we have experiences our brains make connections and judgments and beliefs that create our vision of the world around us. Then we carry those perceptions of the world around us throughout our adulthood.
The truth is, we all have skewed vision. Every single one of us has developed beliefs, perceptions, and the way we see the world. We see colors and our colors are all very different. Sometimes we’ll have an experience where our perception is changed, and our colors change!
Listen in as we talk about this and give ourselves and others grace as we continue to have our colors and “view” shift!