We all want to be picked, to be chosen, and to be wanted. You can probably remember as a kid being in PE class and having a team captain choose teams. Were you first picked? Or were you last picked? I always cringe when I think of being the last picked and when I watch others be last picked as well. Every one of us has the internal desire to be seen, to be picked, and to be chosen. It is the desire to belong to the tribe. When we aren’t picked, it feels unsafe and dangerous, and then we start to believe there is something wrong with us. Maybe there is nothing wrong, but when we believe we are not worth choosing, we show up differently. We hold back, shrink, and behave as if we are the 2nd option. Every single one of us has been chosen. Maybe we don’t see evidence of it, but we have been. You are chosen, you were chosen before you were born, and you are chosen again and again. Listen in to today’s podcast to hear how!