I’m sure if we were asked where you feel like you have areas that you struggle with or limitations, you could all make a grocery list of items.
A few of mine: I get a little snappy and snarky when I am anxious.
I am good at procrastinating and putting things off until the last minute.
I don’t listen very well sometimes.
I’m a bit of a control freak and like order and control.
I love treats and overeat junk food sometimes.
If you had to name 3 of your weaknesses, what would they be?
For a long time, I’ve considered these weaknesses the enemy.
I thought that these weaknesses needed to be rooted out of me. They needed to be completely removed and eliminated from my very being. Like weeds that have to be pulled.
But this may not be the case!
Join in for this week’s podcast as we discuss how our weaknesses are a necessary part of life and a way for us to become stronger, learn, and grow.
We will discuss how weaknesses and strengths live in the same neighborhood! You can’t have one without the other. And how weaknesses are strengths overused.
We will discuss how to make our weaknesses strengths by being humble enough to acknowledge them, embrace them for what they are, a conduit for learning, ask for help, and trust the process.